The Archimedes Lever Principle to Success 

If you know where to put your fulcrum is, then you can and shall move the world!

So I’ve been making some insanely great returns from micro strategy, micro strategy stock, MSTR– for example, in just a month, I was able to take $150,000, put it into micro strategy, and I saw it go up to $200,000! A $50,000 gain, in just a month. Pretty awesome.

Currently reading the Bernstein interview that Michael Saylor has, and the gist of the news is that the general goal strategy is that micro strategy will become the first native bitcoin bank.

The first shall win

So the first thought was, what is the point of a company, continuing to leverage debt, borrowing money at very very low interest rates, to just keep buying more and more bitcoin?

But then again maybe the same question is what is the point of a company or a corporation, buying up scarce in desirable real estate in New York City, in Manhattan…? In fact, assuming that you’re a rich elite New York City family, the goal is to buy as much property as you possibly can on the main island, and you keep accumulating it, forever, and pass it down to your kids kids kids kids kids.

Assuming that bitcoin is the first true digital property, then what that then means is if there is a hard cap on the amount of digital property you could ever buy, let us say that it is 21,000,000 square blocks in Cyberman Manhattan, then once again, also the logical goal right now is to accumulate as much property as humanly can right now… Within your means.

For example, assuming bitcoin is currently trading at around $60,000 a bitcoin right now, if I could’ve told you 30 or 50 years ago that you could buy one square block in Manhattan, on the main island for only $60,000… Wouldn’t you borrow as much money as you possibly could in order to do it, assuming you had 100% perfect foresight, like Bluff from back in the future? 

Anyways, big thing I’ve been thinking about is for myself… What is my true our comedian lover? Simply put it is photography. It is the thing that feels like breathing to me, and I think I really do have a gift in a talent for it, which supersede possibly anyone else on the planet?

For example, my ability to see photos scenes opportunities, analyze compositions for photos, to understand things visually… Perhaps this is a gift that I want to share with humanity, the whole planet… I don’t want my insights to die with me when I’m dead. 


So one fun idea I have is what if I could just create some sort of bot, in which you could just upload a picture to it or a bunch of photos to it, and it could automatically within seconds, analyze the picture, and embed all these compositional Insights to the photos?

Or even another funny thing, assuming that you have an iPhone or iPhone Pro or whatever… And let us say that you’re just walking on the streets, and you could just open up the ERIC KIM photo app, and as your actively real time scanning the scene, the ERIC KIM voice can either talk to you via speakerphone or your AirPods, and encourage you; taking step forward, taking a step back, how to arrange or rearrange the scene.

The reason why I feel that this might be such a great idea is that I guess the future of AI is here. Even the new iPhone, iPhone Pro; maybe now in the year 2024, AI has finally arrived. ChatGPT already right now is fucking amazing, don’t be a cheapo, make sure to get the $20 a month version.

Becoming a publicly traded company 

Now that I’m already dumb rich, and also, I’m the most spartan person of all time; I might be the sexiest, most handsome, most intelligent person in terms of being frugal; I only spend money on meat and barbells, nothing else. 

Michael Saylor started micro Reggie in 1989, just one year after I was born. Maybe one new school I have is to create my own publicly traded company? Not because I want money or whatever… But interestingly enough, the idea of becoming a publicly traded company, in which being open and transparent is actually a virtue, this is something that actually appeals to me?


So the general premise that I have is becoming some sort of vision AI company. Certainly vision AI is the future, for example, the whole promise of Robo taxi, Tesla, Nvidia and the like is towards vision, AI vision.

Already now, in LA… waymo the self driving car is ubiquitous. Nobody really blinks an eye anymore. I am still waiting for my invitation code… But I would definitely trust it a lot more than some of these distracted Uber drivers; a lot of Uber drivers, especially though starting off, are fuddling around with their phone, getting distracted, getting random WhatsApp notifications etc., I would definitely trust a self driving car a Tesla Robo taxi, or way more car 1000 times more than any Uber driver. 

Why this is an imperative

OK, the truth is it kind of is life for a death situation, and only that… Potential life or death situation for you your kids and your family.

Why? Assuming that 99% of LA drivers text while driving… This is effing scary. It just takes one dumb millennial, texting while driving in their lucid car or whatever, to get distracted for half a second, unintentionally killing you your kids your wife etc. And I think also the thing which is a bit scary or concerning is that a lot of these people who text while driving, they are actually not malicious, just foolish.

In fact, if Apple had a true imperative, to save lives or whatever, it would automatically turn on the distracted driving mode do not disturb function when it sees that you are driving a car, and even though this would create a lot of backlash, Apple should have the balls to enforce this, The simple workflow is this:

Apple automatically turns on the Do Not Disturb While Driving function when it detects you are driving in a car, and then afterwards, it gives the driver the option to disable dysfunction, assuming you’re a passenger in a car or whatever.

And actually, it would force the user to click “I am a passenger“, not the driver.



 so essentially, I think the best way to think about things is when it comes to visions, being or becoming a visionary or whatever… It is simple; it means having a vision! It isn’t about being some sort of genius or whatever, which doesn’t exist, but rather, somebody with a stubborn and creative vision about something, is unyielding, full of balls and chutzpah — the desire to craft the world according to his creative vision, unyielding.

This is going to be the Archimedes lever of the future 

Once you have discovered your Archimedes lever in life, just devote 1000% of your energies into it!