What Are Your Life Goals?
Tell me your goals, what your life goals are and I will tell you who you are.
Sometimes useful
So there is a double edged sword of goals, life goals etc. The problems here is that you could hit and achieve all of your life goals, and once that you have achieved them… truth be told it is pretty anti-climactic. For example, even my insanely audacious goal of lifting 1000 pounds, I was very very happy and pleased with it… but once again, at least to me it felt like another day at the gym. To me the difference between lifting 995 pounds, and 1000 pounds, was just a number in my mind. 
Becoming a millionaire and before becoming a millionaire didn’t change much to my mindset – Steve Jobs
Funny thought… Numbers and round numbers, there’s this weird psychology behind it.
Example, I’m currently eyeing on purchasing some new weights because I’m maxed up my current set up. Yet for me… To pay $550 or $560 seems like too much… But to pay sub $500, like $450, or $490 seems much more palatable.
$999 iPhone Pro
This is why… To charge $999, at least for the sticker price on an iPhone pro is insanely intelligent because once you break the thousand dollar mark, in the mind of people… It is almost too much. Also then intelligence of Elon… To essentially make the model 3 and Y, at least the sticker price is $29,999 a dollar under the $30,000 mark is genius. I think one of the things that I learned is that we humans are funny… We are often suckered by these superficial number differences.
Think kilograms
A big innovation I discovered while in Cambodia Asia when lifting there… Is everyone uses kilograms, not pounds. And this was the impetus to help me break beyond my mental barriers, at least when it came to traditional pounds and weights.
For example, the traditional American plate is 45 pounds… But when it comes to kilograms, the red plate is 25 kg, which is more close to about 52 pounds.
As a consequence… as an American weightlifters or powerlifters, we typically see the deadlift, in which the traditional marker of strength is being able to do at least a “four plate deadlift”, which is 405 pounds in total. Yet if you took the metric kilogram approach… four plates, assuming that it was in 25 kg increments, would technically be a lot more.
Steel over iron?
Steelman not Ironman?
The man of steel (Superman)
This is where steel is better than iron… steel is more expensive, but should last a lot longer than iron. And this is where I think buying calibrated steel weightlifting plates is a good idea… In theory if you keep good condition of it, you should be able to hand it down to your Kids.
And this is where things become fun… now that you have a son, or at least I do… life is so insanely great because I’m so excited the day that I get going to weightlifting, and I could hand down my legendary Texas power squat bar to him, and also he will inherit all my weight lifting equipment and plates etc.
Think about your kids kids kids
I think this is the reason why it is difficult for people who have never had a kid or child to imagine the future. Why? If you are the typical single millennial, or let us say if you have a dog or whatever…  it is actually very difficult to think about the future. Why why? Your life strategy becomes about hedonism maximization, which is in the context of eating good sushi, traveling to Japan, etc. But like Cindy famously said… You can only go to burning man so many times. And also, you can only go to Japan so many times, and eat good or omakase sushi so many times before it loses its appeal. 
So now what?
Simply jot it down, or blog it — or think about it. Dictate what you care for, and strive with all your might towards that goal!
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