The Philosophy of Volatility

A super super interesting thought on my mind is the quote from Michael Saylor, volatility is vitality. What does that mean, why does it matter etc.?

First, typically when we think of volatility, it is in the financial realm. We think of volatility in the context of something going up and down, almost unpredictably, chaotically, crazily.

For example in the markets, we tend to think of volatility like a bad thing. Because most people cannot stomach the up and downs.

I am an interesting case because obviously I’m affected by it too. Yet now, whenever I see volatility, I’m more annoyed than anything, like the days that bitcoins down, or the days that microstrategy stock is a little bit down, it is almost more like having an annoying mosquito bite, Maybe even a tiny splinter than anything. The good thing with mosquito bites is as time goes on, we know that it will fade, although it is very annoying. Also, with the tiny splinter… Super super annoying to pick it out, but you can!

Nuclear power

So besides Chernobyl and Fukushima, I actually think that nuclear power is a super smart idea. Certainly nobody wants nuclear fallout, but come on… It is year 2024. For a while, me and Seneca were playing with SimCity: cities of the future on the Mac, and also, we watched the cities of the future film on IMAX and also 3-D, at the California science center. It is still kind of bizarre to me… Once again, the year 2024, if I think about the film Elysium, produced by Bill Block, and starring Matt Damon, shouldn’t we kind of be living in this futuristic, cyberpunk, or massively green and beautiful bright future? Not kind of this ugly, slumlord vibes we get from watching a film like Snowpiercer?

Even often the truth is a distraction 

Anyways, about two or three days ago I was curious why bitcoin spiked so high, breaking the mythical $70,000 mark, after about 2 to 4 years of languishing. So I searched it on ChatGPT, and randomly saw that because Elon Musk tweeted it? And then I was curious, and then I kind of went down a rabbit hole, checking Elon Musk Twitter, Seeing now how he endorses Donald Trump, and then seeing the tweed video the retweeted video of the Joe Rogan podcast with Donald Trump.

Anyways, I was watching the interview, I watched about half of it, very fun and interesting and entertaining! One of the interesting things is how Joe Rogan was asking Trump about nuclear.

So to me nuclear is interesting because it is insanely high volatility like it has a lot of power. But if done right, if handled quickly, it is essential you produce practically free energy for everybody! Apparently they do it well in France I think, they just create a bunch of these mini nuclear power plants, And the French citizens benefit?

A good reason to be anti stoic 

I think about 99% stoicism is good, come on, I named my firstborn son after Seneca the younger, the great stoic sage!

Yet where stoicism fails, I call this “the life after stoicism”, is that Stoicism is too focused on hardening yourself into like a porcupine, and then eventually, it makes you unemotional or unfeeling etc. Yet what if you want to embrace this interesting strategy; put on the stoic armor, in which you don’t really suffer any downsides from life, but you could harness the volatility of life, and channel harness and reap the benefits of the upside?

Stoicism is not volatile enough. Certainly we want Stoicism to clip and hedge the downsides of life, but, you want at least 200X upside in life!

The wisdom of kids

So kind of an interesting thing I learned from Seneca, kids in general etc.; Seneca is about 3 1/2, and when he is angry or upset about something, he’ll get angry, he’ll throw stuff, stop his feet, put out a lot of high energy, start screaming and yelling, and shouting, but when we just let him get it out of his system, like for 30 seconds or a minute or so, he’ll kind of forget about it, and then start smiling again, and then being happy and proceeding like usual. Because Seneca is like happy and joyful and silly and playful and curious Like 99.999% of the time.

Adults should also mirror children 

Anyways, I almost wonder if this is a better strategy for adults as well.

I think where adults fail is that we try to be good proper and prim, I don’t know if this is like Victorian Quaker Christian ethics, we try to restrain our anger, we don’t raise our voices we don’t yell we don’t scream, we don’t throw stuff, we are told to become modest, go on a walk etc.

But I almost wonder if it was a good idea that adults we also would just let our our anger and fury as well like kids — for example if we’re angry, to just yell shot scream, stump our feet, go outside, throw around the sandbag, go to the park and take some big heavy rocks and throw them into the distance etc. Also as a funny sidenote, go on YouTube or Google and search ERIC KIM rock toss challenge, in which during Covid when all the gyms were shut down I would just go to the nearby park, find the biggest rock or Boulder I could, and just practice throwing it around etc. It might be the best workout of all time!

Don’t hold in your anger 

Anyways, the issue with adults is that when we’re angry or upset about something, we’re holding our emotions, yet we harbor this anger and resentment, this Poison, for weeks days months years decades? Even one of my uncles, considering that my grandfather had an illegitimate wife and about five or six kids all illegitimate kids on the other side, essentially ditching my mom‘s mom, and the 4 to 5 legitimate kids, anyways, apparently one of my uncles is still super super upset about this, even many years after the passing of my grandfather, my uncle saying that after getting drunk “I have no father”, referring to my already deceased grandpa.

I get it, but I almost feel like it doesn’t really matter anymore. Don’t people gotta move on?

Yeah yeah yeah, life is tough, life is sad whatever, but, I once read that resentment and anger is like drinking poison, hoping that the other person dies.

No not only is this kind of not a good strategy, it is ineffective but also foolish.

Think Achilles

For example, imagine like you’re a warrior, like you’re Achilles, or Hector, and you’re about to do the final battle. You got your spear and shield, your battle armor on. Obviously the goal is to throw your spear and kill the other guy, not to take your spear and stab yourself in spite of your enemy, hoping that somehow spearing yourself will damage the other person?

Really sick stuff

Even a more sick thing, a parent, who is frustrated with their child, not sure what to do, starts to literally beat themselves, like hitting themselves or self flagellating themselves, causing themselves some sort of self-made pain, to make the younger child feel bad? To me this is almost the most sick evil thing to do of all time because when your kid and your parent beats you, at least you could feel bad and think that your parent is a bad guy. But if your parent beats themself to spite you… You have no one else to but by yourself? 

Never spite nobody!

Where it is wise to not trust Christianity 

The early Christian fathers, a lot of them kind of unwell people, we kind of do a similar thing, self flagellate themselves for their sins whatever, as a form of repentance or something?

But the reason why this is so sick and weird, is that once again, by hurting or damaging or poisoning yourself, you ain’t doing nothing useful.

Like for example, let us say that you did something bad or whatever, and then boom now your parents are dead or somebody you care about is dead or whatever, and then you get super depressed and you start to drink alcohol, smoke a bunch of weed, do a bunch of drugs, simply to alleviate your pain your distress your suffering. Or you start to self yourself, you start to physically beat yourself.

Now once again, this is not productive at all.

Channel volatility

So just watching the recent microstrategy earnings call, go Michael! I also like Andrew Kang and Phong Le (both I presume our Korean and Vietnamese, just like me, Seneca, and Cindy!) 

Anyways, what do you notice what super interesting was that what is so fascinating about microstrategy, it is like literally the best performing company in stock in the known human universe, is that it is also the most volatile. Whereas a typical asset might have a volatility of five, The volatility of micro strategy often exceeds 50.

Volatility is vitality, the motto of Michael Saylor.

So then I guess the tricky thing, the philosophy behind things: “Would you prefer to have higher volatility for greater yield and performance?” Or would you rather have low or no volatility, and just take boring steady gains, but far inferior gains and yields?

For me, I think 100% obvious strategy is to have higher performance, with even greater and higher volatility.

Because at the end of the day, it is probably more interesting to drive a high volatility performance vehicle, like a Lamborghini, which has more power powers and “flexiness” rather than a boring and reliable Toyota Camry?

Yet what a lot of fools do is they just park their money in some sort of blended S&P 500 derivative, because they don’t know what else to do?

Taking control of your financial destiny

Michael Saylor said his personal imperative with bitcoin, is that he believes that at least 50% of the world‘s problems and issues can be solved by fixing the money. He likens traditional money and capital as being toxic; would you give your healthy four year-old child contaminated sewer water to drink, or would you give them clean water? Or, would you take the temperature of your home, which is a cozy 73°, and turn down the thermostat by 1°, every single day, for 10 years? Obviously not, you will literally kill and freeze your family to death.  

Think scientific history & physics

I think the genius of a Michael Saylor is that he studied history of science at MIT, and also aeronautics and aerospace engineering.

So I was curious about the word volatility, and apparently it just is derived from Latin to fly, initially from the Proto into European to throw.

So certainly flying is good. I would not want to go to Seoul South Korea on a boat. Also, thinking about French colonialism, I have no idea how the French would be able to stand the boat ride from Paris all the way over to Saigon; or even worse, Thinking about Australia, the original penal colony, how in the hell did you take a boat from London all the way to Australia?

Flying is literally volatile (volaris, to fly)

Anyways, the volatility of flying, certainly flying can be dangerous, you hear the reports about the new Boeing jets, exploding or whatever. Yet nobody gives up flying.

Or let us say the dangers of driving an automobile car. Certainly there are lots of dangers associated with driving, like fatalities from car related accidents, now texting while driving, it is literally a life or that situation. You are 1 trillion times more likely to die from a car accident rather than any sort of accident resulting from a terrorist attack, or a gun related fatality.

If in fact, everyone is talking about why guns are bad and so evil and how we should ban guns or whatever. Yet nobody is talking about how we should be texting while driving, or even ban the use of a cell phone while you are in an automobile car.

If anything, if Apple really wanted to say millions of lives, I have a simple thought: by default if you buy a new phone or whatever, a new Apple ID or whatever, there should be a workflow which if it detects that you’re driving really really fast in the car, it automatically locks you out of your phone, into the do not disturb driving mode, and that if you want to access the normal mode, assuming you’re a passenger in an Uber or Tesla Robo taxi, then you could voice dictate or type I am not driving. Or “I am a passenger”.

Anyways, volatility is good. I almost wonder if volatility, voltage is the same thing? You step up and you step down there’s transformers for electricity. And this is what allows high-powered electricity to travel from phone wires, silently into your home, powering your washer and dryer your heater and air conditioning whatever. Yet nobody is trying to ban electricity.

Channeling volatility

Bitcoin is up 507% percent over 4 years since 2020, MSTR is up 1989% since then — 5x, 19x (20x) gain since 2020

So also, a curious thing… Why is it that I have never met a female day trader? Or a female bitcoin investor?

I’ve met lots of day traders, all male, some guys at the gym at the local park whatever. It is pretty common to meet day traders who drive Uber on the side or whatever. I haven’t really met any bitcoin investors in the flesh yet, besides myself. And certainly I have never met any women who are interested in bitcoin. It is too volatile for them.

It is also too volatile for most men. Yet a simple filter, I think that for the general part, women hate volatility, most men also hate volatility but some men like myself, love volatility.

Question; are there any women who love volatility? I guess the ideas that you have sex with the rockstar, and you have the boring accountant husband at home, paying the mortgage or whatever, but it seems that most women, would not want to be in a serious financial relationship with a Starbucks barista playing music on the side.

Anyways, maybe what life is then, is the love of volatility. 

Harnessing the upside of volatility without the downside?

So this is where things get super interesting; how can we reap the benefits of the upside, like gain 150% upside in life, while clipping the downside?

So for example, the microstrategy strategy is super super fascinating;: capturing 150% the performance of bitcoin and the upside, without the downside?

Bitcoin Treasury Company (BTC)

So how do they do this? Simply put they have access to permanent bitcoin capital. Funny enough they are dubbing themselves BTC, bitcoin treasury company, I like to just think of micro strategy as their first bitcoin bank (BB), because it is easier for mere mortals like myself to remember, but anyways, what is super fascinating about microstrategy, is because they have been in business for over 30 years, they are a real company, that first started off selling business intelligence software, and now transitioning into becoming the world‘s first 100% bitcoin company, which is effectively unstoppable at this point; even if Apple somehow bought $1 trillion worth of bitcoin, because the operating structure of Apple computer is still revolving around future projections of selling more future iPhones, Apple can never really really ever become 100% bitcoin, even if I wanted to.

December 2024: Will Microsoft purchase bitcoin? 

Oh and also as a random sidenote, I think in December, there might be discussions that Microsoft might actually start to add bitcoin to her balance sheet. This is worth noting, especially because starting January 2025, the new FASB ( financial accounting standards board, GAAP generally accepted accounting principles — essentially companies institutions like Harvard and Yale and Brown can now add bitcoin to their balance sheet, as a treasury reserve asset. The reason why this is a big deal is for so long, bitcoin was considered fake money, and that a company could not add it to her balance sheet, proving proof of funds and reserves in the traditional sense. Now, all of these nerds who become accounting will have to learn all of these new rules, figuring out how to integrate bitcoin and other cryptocurrency assets to accounting principles.

If Larry Fink and Blackrock think that bitcoin is real capital, it is.

The reason why this is such a big deal is that once again, people still think that bitcoin is fake money! Yet look at the Janet Yellen talk on Satoshi, and even look at Larry Fink, CEO of blackrock who owns over $10 trillion worth of assets, Larry Fink even now says that bitcoin is legitimate asset class, and I think that black rock has actually recently invested and bought a bunch more micro strategy stock. Watch the CNBC interview with Larry Fink on Bitcoin.

Study it yourself

Oh and also, a pro tip; definitely get the $20 a month ChatGPT pro, it is now the ultimate financial investment research tool; when you want to search any financials or anything, this is an insanely big deal.

Anyways, once Harvard Yale and Ivy League schools start to purchase bitcoin, or maybe even there investors, the ones that handle the endowment start to purchase microstrategy, which is essentially a conduit for purchasing bitcoin, with indirect exposure to the asset class of bitcoin, this will be a big deal.

If UCLA were smart, she would purchase BTC and Bitcoin and or microstrategy, not real estate.

How to harness the upsides of volatility without the downsides?

So this is a very big idea. Obviously the goal in life is to win, even Michael Saylor said at the end of October 30 micro strategy earnings call, that essentially, under a bitcoin strategy, everybody wins, there are no losers in the bitcoin strategy. Only varying degrees of success. 

There are no losers in life!

Philosophically, this is fantastic. Why? To me the idea that we could all win together, 100%, no losers, isn’t this the ultimate thing?

For example, I still think that the number 1 foolish way that most individuals live is that they think of life like zero sum; they think that your success means my failure, that your big dick means my small dick.

But this makes no sense because money is fake, money ain’t real, it is just a man-made construct. So if somehow you have $1 million in the bank, that doesn’t make my balance any smaller or bigger.

21M is a hard cap.

I suppose the thing that is a little bit tricky under the bitcoin standard is that because there is a hard cap of 21 million bitcoins, the ultimate strategy is indeed to own the most bitcoin at the end of the day. And this is still where I think the strategy, is to use microstrategy as a cash yield generation machine, periodically selling microstrategy stock when it is up to purchase more bitcoin, is still the best strategy.

MSTR Microstrategy as the engine in order to accumulate more Bitcoin?


Building and making your own micro strategy?


Currently, my new direction in my life — obviously I’ll still be doing photography workshops etc., as it is still my number one supreme in life and passion. Yet I’m thinking about offering more workshops in the bitcoin sphere, I think I am well adjusted to this because I have Stoicism, and control on my side.

Also, I am currently doing a soft launch of BLACK EAGLE CAPITAL, essentially my bitcoin hedge fund, the name behind it is inspired by the fact that I believe in the ethos of black, black canvas, all black aesthetics, and eagle, Because I was a Boy Scout eagle, also the symbol of America.

If you’re interested in participating, shoot me an email at

To be transparent, the strategy is to create an infinite money machine, you essentially leverage MSTR microstrategy stock, and then ultimately the goal is to accumulate more bitcoin. I encourage you to just open up your own Coinbase account, and start buying bitcoins. Just download Coinbase to your iPhone, from the App Store, connected with your JP Morgan Chase or Bank of America checking account, and start buying bitcoins, you could just buy 10 bucks, 25 bucks, $100, $500, $1000, 10,000, $100,000, if you like. The good thing on Coinbase is that they recently increased the limit i’m a $50,000 a day in instant limit, to now doubling that to $100,000! Thank god.

When is the best time to buy Bitcoin?

Buy it high buy it low buy it in the middle, because 30 years from now when bitcoin is worth $22 million a bitcoin, the price of what you paid right now won’t really matter. It won’t matter if you bought it at $100,000 a bitcoin, 200,000 a bitcoin, $75,000 bitcoin, or $50,000 a bitcoin.

Essentially starting next year will be year one of institutional acceptance. I am almost close to 100% certain that Donald Trump will be elected president, even me, I am a liberal Democrat on the left, and even me… I don’t think I’ll be voting for Kamala Harris. Vote orange, vote bitcoin!. Even worth noting the Donald Trump talk at the bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville Tennessee, also note that Donald Trump his two sons, Eric Trump and Baron Trump, I believe they’re actually really into bitcoin and crypto. Which is good for us, because if you have a president that loves bitcoin crypto and also the US dollar, this will be very very good news for us Americans. And also, good for any holders of bitcoin on the planet.

Bitcoin is the solution for world peace?

I also personally ethically believe that bitcoin can promote peace because it don’t matter what country you’re from, as long as you own bitcoin, we are all part of the same monetary network.

I think bitcoin is a threat to the international monetary fund, Jerome Powell and the FED, which prints money like cotton candy. Even Donald Trump in his interview with Joe Rogan is talking about paying off the $35 trillion debt America has, and also Donald Trump says we will never sell our bitcoin.

And also I would not be surprised if maybe, an interesting national strategy; a nation or a nation to purchase bitcoins, which backs their own fiat monetary supply?

Like imagine if America owned 1 million bitcoins, or 2 million bitcoins whatever, and assuming that the US dollar was pegged to the bitcoin or back, then, the US dollar would actually be worth something. People talk that bitcoin is bad for the environment whatever, this is not true. Because bitcoin miners are incentivized to produce bitcoin, at a low financial rate, it will flow into high yield energy sources like nuclear power plants, or electricity which is stranded on the edges of the grid, for example it is it is cheaper to purchase electricity by building your bitcoin mining rig somewhere in the mountains with access to a hydroelectric dam, where electricity would not be used For example, if you could somehow capture the hydro power of hydroelectric power, which is essentially free because it is powered by gravity, then, assuming that electricity is practically free in America, certainly this will be very good for bitcoin mining and bitcoin network.

And also besides cheap electricity, or free electricity, There is actually a strong entrepreneur incentive to create computers which are more efficient, because contrary to popular belief, bitcoin mining is less about electricity — it is more about computer efficiency.

For example in the early days bitcoin, a lot of bitcoin mining was done on graphics cards, card by Nvidia, then a transition into ASICs, ASIC computers, which is not really even a computer in the traditional sense. It cannot do anything besides solve the mathematically intense cryptography puzzles, which is essentially the proof of work concept.

Also, the reason why proof of work is the path, is that work, like things need to have a real world work in order for it to be worth anything.

For example you do not want to live in your fake virtual reality metaverse, With your fake virtual reality Lamborghini, having sex with your virtual reality girlfriend, with access to your virtual reality money. For anyone who played Diablo II, you know very well that gold is not worth anything in the universe of Diablo; everyone wants the rare weapons.

Before there were hacks, this would mean that you as a kid, you have you would have to spend hours upon hours of doing BAAL runs, Trying to wait and cross your fingers that BAAL would drop some sort of mythical item or weapon, for you to equip yourself. And as a kid, this required real work, which meant a lot of time sitting on your computer, clicking around, and investing countless hours of time which is work, to achieve this outcome.

Bitcoin and crypto is the same thing; if there’s not real human labor or physical labor or analogue energy which goes into producing the digital asset, it is not worth it. This is why you should not purchase or invest in anything that is not bitcoin — nothing else is powered by proof of work and has a hard cap and supply. And derivatives, don’t forget Ethereum was essentially a bitcoin copycat.

Ethereum is not worth anything, don’t buy it, sell your Ethereum and buy bitcoin.

The best analogy is that Ethereum is Pepsi. Nobody likes Pepsi. The only reason anyone would drink Pepsi was because somebody gave it to them for free.

Bitcoin is like Coca-Cola, it has always been the best and will always be the best or bitcoin is like the iPhone Pro, everyone wants the iPhone, nobody wants a Google pixel, nobody wants a Samsung. And certainly nobody wants a Huawei, if you’re a smart rich Chinese billionaire, come on… You have zero interest in buying a Huawei phone besides supporting the Chinese communist party.

If you are any person with any sense, you would prefer to be wearing Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Balenciaga, wearing YEEZY sneakers, with the newest iPhone Pro, driving your Lamborghini Rolls-Royce whatever.

You would not want to drive a Chinese car, a Chinese phone, or even send your kids to a Chinese university.

You would rather want to send your kid to a Harvard Yale or Stanford, and even… No rich Chinese person actually wants to live in Beijing or Shanghai; they would prefer to live in and own property in Palo Alto, Los Angeles, Calabasas, Beverly Hills, Culver City, or maybe Vancouver.

The Chinese yuan is actually pegged to the US dollar 

The only thing that is stopping mainland Chinese is capital controls–  if you have $1 billion worth of Chinese yuan, you cannot take it out of the country even if you wanted to.

Don’t forget that the Chinese yuan is essentially pegged to the US dollar, and I think time has shown that no no no, we are not going to be speaking in Mandarin. English is international protocol and the international business language.

As long as the US, we have at least 1000 X military supremacy over China, we will be fine. And also, when Donald Trump becomes president, he is all about the tariffs, and he’s going to become antagonist towards China, which is good for us Americans because if you put a tariff on Chinese produced goods, money talks, words weep.

What does that means is China will not do anything to promote war with America because the rich Chinese oligarchs are still dependent on manufacturing products in China, and selling it to the American market for a profit.

Don’t be a dummy boy. Anyone who thinks that China is going to take over the planet is either anti-American, a communist, likes to give fellatio to Karl Marx, is a fakeass woke plant based hippie, spends too much time on Reddit, and pirateBay, spent too much time torrenting and streaming Maria Ozawa pornography (on Google incognito, brave browser incognito), maybe they have an apple Vision Pro and they watch virtual reality pornography on their $4000 Apple Vision Pro in private. They might be single, they might not be, maybe own a dog, they have no intention of having kids or girlfriends or a serious relationship.

And also they don’t own bitcoin.


Upcoming ERIC KIM workshops, bitcoin thoughts, crypto thoughts, and also when in doubt, start here >

The Philosophy of Volatility 

A super super interesting thought on my mind is the quote from Michael Saylor, volatility is vitality. What does that mean, why does it matter etc.?

First, typically when we think of volatility, it is in the financial realm. We think of volatility in the context of something going up and down, almost unpredictably, chaotically, crazily.

For example in the markets, we tend to think of volatility like a bad thing. Because most people cannot stomach the up and downs.

I am an interesting case because obviously I’m affected by it too. Yet now, whenever I see volatility, I’m more annoyed than anything, like the days that bitcoins down, or the days that micro strategy stock is a little bit down, it is almost more like having an annoying mosquito bite, Maybe even a tiny splinter than anything. The good thing with mosquito bites is as time goes on, we know that it will fade, although it is very annoying. Also, with the tiny splinter… Super super annoying to pick it out, but you can!

Nuclear power

So besides Chernobyl and Fukushima, I actually think that nuclear power is a super smart idea. Certainly nobody wants nuclear fallout, but come on… It is year 2024. For a while, me and Seneca were playing with SimCity: cities at the future on the Mac, and also, we watched the cities of the future film on IMAX and also 3-D, at the California science center. It is still kind of bizarre to me… Once again, the year 2024, if I think about the film Elysium, produced by Bill Block, and starring Matt Damon, shouldn’t we kind of be living in this futuristic, cyberpunk, or massively green and beautiful bright future? Not kind of this ugly, slumlord vibes we get from watching a film like Snow piercer?

Anyways, about two or three days ago I was curious why bitcoin spite so high, breaking the mythical $70,000 mark, after about 2 to 4 years of languishing. So I searched it on ChatGPT, and randomly saw that because Elon Musk tweeted it? And then I was curious, and then I kind of went down a rabbit hole, checking Elon Musk Twitter, Seeing now how he endorses Donald Trump, and then seeing the tweed video the retweeted video of the Joe Rogan podcast with Donald Trump.

Anyways, I was watching the interview, I watched about half of it, very fun and interesting and entertaining! One of the interesting things is how Joe Rogan was asking Trump about nuclear.

So to me nuclear is interesting because it is insanely high volatility like it has a lot of power. But I’ve done right, if handled quickly, it is essential you producers practically free energy for everybody! Apparently they do it well in France I think, they just create a bunch of these mini nuclear power plants, And the French citizens benefit?

A good reason to be anti-stoic 

I think about 99% stoicism is good, come on, I named my firstborn son after Seneca the younger, the great stoic sage!

Yet we’re stores and fails, I called this the life after stoicism, is that Stoicism is too focused on hardening yourself into like a porcupine, and then eventually, it makes you unemotional on feeling etc. Yet what if you want to embrace this interesting strategy; put on the stoic armor, in which you don’t really suffer any downsides from life, but you could harness the volatility of life, and channel harness and reap the benefits of the upside?

The wisdom of kids

So kind of an interesting thing I learned from Seneca, kids in general etc.; Seneca is about 3 1/2, and when he is angry or upset about something, he’ll get angry, he’ll throw stuff, stop his feet, put out a lot of high energy, start screaming and yelling, and shouting, But when we just let him get it out of his system, like for 30 seconds or a minute or so, he’ll kind of forget about it, and then start smiling again, and then being happy and proceeding like usual. Because Seneca is like happy and joyful and silly and playful and curious Like 99.999% of the time.

Anyways, I almost wonder if this is a better strategy for adults as well. I think we’re adults fail is that we try to be good proper and prim, I don’t know if this is like Victorian Quaker Christian ethics, we tried to restrain our anger, we don’t raise our voices we don’t yell we don’t scream, we don’t throw stuff , we are told to become modest, go on a walk etc. But I almost wonder if it was a good idea that adults we also would just let our our anger and fury as well like kids — for example if we’re angry, to just yell shot scream, stump our feet, go outside, throw around the sandbag, go to the park and take some big heavy rocks and throw them into the distance etc. Also as a funny sidenote, go on YouTube or Google and search ERIC KIM rock toss challenge, in which during Covid when all the gyms were shut down I would just go to the nearby park, find the biggest rock or Boulder I could, and just practice throwing it around etc. It might be the best workout of all time!

Anyways, the issue with adults is that when we’re angry or upset about something, we’re holding our emotions, yet we harbor this anger and resentment, this Poison, four weeks days months years decades? Even one of my uncles, considering that my grandfather had an illegitimate wife in about five or six kids all illegitimate kids on the other side, essentially ditching my mom‘s mom, and the 4 to 5 legitimate kids,  anyways, apparently one of my uncles is still super super upset about this, even many years after the passing of my grandfather, my uncle saying that after getting drunk “I have no father”, referring to my already deceased grandpa.

I get it, but I almost feel like it doesn’t really matter anymore. Don’t people gotta move on?

Yeah yeah yeah, life is tough, life is sad whatever, but, I once read that resentment an anger is like drinking Poison, hoping that the other person dies.

No not only is this kind of not a good strategy, it is ineffective but also foolish.

For example, imagine like you’re a warrior, like your Achilles, or Hector, and you’re about to do the final battle. You got your spear and shield, your battle armor on. Obviously the goal is to throw your spear and killed other guy, not to take your spear and stab yourself in spite of your enemy, hoping that somehow Spearing yourself will damage the other person?

Really sick stuff

Even a more sick thing, a parent, who is frustrated with their child, not sure what to do, starts to literally beat themselves, like hitting themselves or self flagellating themselves, causing themselves some sort of self-made pain, to make the younger child feel bad?

The early Christian fathers, a lot of them kind of unwell people, we kind of do a similar thing, self flagellate themselves for their sins whatever, as a form of repentance or something?

But the reason why this is so sick and weird, is that once again, by hurting or damaging or poisoning yourself, you ain’t doing nothing useful.

Like for example, let us say that you did something bad or whatever, and then boom now your parents are dead or somebody you care about is dead or whatever, and then you get super depressed and you start to drink alcohol, smoke a bunch of weed, do a bunch of drugs, simply to alleviate your pain your distress your suffering. Or you start to self yourself, you start to physically beat yourself.

Now once again, this is not productive at all.

Channel volatility

So just watching the recent micro strategy earnings call, call Michael! I also like Andrew Kang and Phong Le (both I presume our Korean and Vietnamese, just like me, Seneca, and Cindy!) 

Anyways, what do you notice what super interesting was that what is so fascinating about micro strategy, it is like literally the best performing company in stock in the known human universe, is that it is also the most volatile. Whereas a typical asset might have a volatility of five, The volatility of micro strategy often exceeds 50.

Volatility is vitality, the motto of Michael Saylor.

So then I guess the tricky thing, the philosophy behind things: “would you prefer to have higher volatility for greater yield and performance? Or would you rather have low or no volatility, and just take boring steady gains, but far inferior gains and yields?

 for me, I think 100% obvious strategy is to have higher performance, would even greater and higher volatility.

Because at the end of the day, it is probably more interesting to drive a high volatility performance vehicle, like a Lamborghini, which has more power powers and “flexiness” rather than a boring and reliable Toyota Camry?

Yet what a lot of fools do is they just park their money in some sort of blended S&P 500 derivative, because they don’t know what else to do?

Taking control of your financial destiny

Michael Saylor said his personal imperative with bitcoin, is that he believes that at least 50% of the world‘s problems and issues can be solved by fixing the money. He likes traditional money in capital as being toxic; would you give your healthy four year-old child contaminated sewer water to drink, or would you give them clean water? or, would you take the temperature of your home, which is a cozy 73°, and turn down the thermostat by 1°, every single day, for 10 years? Obviously not, you will literally kill and freeze your family to death.  

I think the genius of a Michael Saylor is that he studied history of science at MIT, and also aeronautics and aerospace engineering.

 so I was curious about the word volatility, and apparently it just is derived from Latin to fly, initially from the Proto into European to throw.

So certainly flying is good. I would not want to go to Seoul South Korea on a boat. Also, thinking about French colonialism, I have no idea how the French would be able to stand the boat ride from Paris all the way over to Saigon; or even worse, Thinking about Australia, the original penal colony, how in the hell did you take a boat from London all the way to Australia?

Anyways, the vitality flying, certainly flying can be dangerous, you hear the reports about the new Boeing jets, exploding or whatever. Yet nobody gives up flying.

Or let us say the dangers of driving an automobile car. Certainly there are lots of dangers associated with driving, like fatalities from car related accidents, now texting while driving, it is literally a life for that situation. You are 1 trillion times more likely to die from a car accident rather than any sort of Accident resulting from a terrorist attack, or a gun related fatality. If in fact, everyone is talking about why guns are bad and so evil and how we should be in guns or whatever. Yet nobody is talking about how we should be texting while driving, or even ban The use of a cell phone while you are in an automobile car. If anything, if Apple really wanted to say millions of lives, I have a simple thought: by default if you buy a new phone or whatever, a new Apple ID or whatever, There should be a workflow which if it detects that you’re driving really really fast in the car, it automatically love you out of your phone, into the do not disturb driving mode, and that if you want to access the normal mode, assuming you’re a passenger in an Uber or Tesla Robo taxi, then you could voice dictate or type I am not driving. Or I am a passenger.

Anyways, volatility is good. I almost wonder if volatility, voltage is the same thing? You step up and you step down there’s transformers for electricity. And this is what allows high-powered electricity to travel from phone wires, silently into your home, powering your washer and dryer your heater and air conditioning whatever. Yet nobody is trying to ban electricity.

Channeling volatility

So also, all those curious… Why is it that I have never met a female day trader? Or a female bitcoin investor?

I’ve met lots of day traders, all mail, some guys at the gym at the local park whatever. It is pretty common to meet day traders, Who Dr., Uber on the side or whatever. I haven’t really met any bitcoin investors in the flesh yet, besides myself. And certainly I have never met any women who are interested in bitcoin. It is too volatile for them.

It is also too volatile for most men. Yet a simple filter, I think that for the general part, women hate volatility, most men also hate volatility but some men like myself, love volatility.

Question; are there any women who love volatility? I guess the ideas that you have sex with the rockstar, and you have the boring accountant husband at home, paying the mortgage or whatever, but it seems that most women, would not want to be in a serious financial relationship with a Starbucks barista playing music on the side.

Anyways, maybe what life is then, is the love of volatility. 

Harnessing the upside of volatility without the downside?

So this is where things get super interesting; how can reap the benefits of the upside, like gain 150% upside in life, while clipping the downside?

So for example, the micro strategy strategy is super super fascinating;: capturing 150% the performance of bitcoin and the upside, without the downside?

So how do they do this? Simply put they have access to permanent bitcoin capital. Funny enough they are dubbing themselves BTC, bitcoin treasury company, I like to just think of micro strategy as their first bitcoin bank (BB), because it is easier for mere mortals like myself to remember, but anyways, what is super fascinating about micro strategy, is because they have been in business for over 30 years, they are a real company, that first started off selling business intelligence software, and now transitioning into becoming the world‘s first 100% bitcoin company, which is effectively unstoppable at this point; even if Apple somehow bought $1 trillion worth of bitcoin, because the operating structure of Apple computer is still revolving around future projections of selling more future iPhones, Apple can never really really ever become 100% bitcoin, even if I wanted to.

Oh and also as a random sidenote, I think in December, our discussions that Microsoft might actually start to add bitcoin to her balance sheet. This is worth noting, especially because starting January 2025, the new FASB ( financial accounting standards board, GAAP generally accepted accounting principles — essentially companies institutions like Harvard and Yale and Brown Kang now add bitcoin to their balance sheet, as a treasury reserve asset. The reason why this is a big deal is for so long, bitcoin was considered fake money, and that a company could not add it to her balance sheet, proving proof of funds and reserves in the traditional sense. Now, all of these nerds who become accounting will have to learn all of these new rules, figuring out how to integrate bitcoin and other cryptocurrency assets to accounting principles.

The reason why this is such a big deal is that once again, people still think that bitcoin is fake money! Yet look at the Janet yell and talk, and even look at Larry Fink, CEO of black rock who owns over $10 trillion worth of assets, Larry Fink even now says that bitcoin is legitimate asset class, and I think that black rock has actually recently invested and bought a bunch more micro strategy stock. 

Oh and also, a pro tip; definitely get the $20 a month ChatGPT pro, it is now the ultimate financial investment research tool; when you want to search any financials or anything, this is an insanely big deal.

 Anyways, once Harvard Yale and Ivy League schools start to purchase bitcoin, or maybe even there investors, the ones that handle the endowment start to purchase micro strategy, which is essentially a conduit for purchasing bitcoin, with indirect exposure to the asset class of bitcoin,  this will be a big deal.

How to harness the upsides of volatility without the downsides?

So this is a very big idea. Obviously the goal in life is to win, even Michael Saylor said at the end of October 30 micro strategy earnings call, that essentially, under a bitcoin strategy, everybody wins, there are no losers in the bitcoin strategy. Only varying degrees of success. 

Philosophically, this is fantastic. Why? To me the idea that we could all win together, 100%, no losers, isn’t this the ultimate thing?

For example, I still think that the number 1 Foolish Way that most individuals live is that they think of life like zero; they think that your success means my failure, that you’re a big dick means my small dick.

But this makes no sense because money is fake, money ain’t real, it is just a man-made construct. So if somehow you have $1 million in the bank, that doesn’t make my balance any smaller or bigger.

I suppose the thing that is a little bit tricky under the bitcoin standard is that because there is a hard cap of 21 million bitcoins, ultimate strategy is indeed to own the most bitcoin at the end of the day. And this is still where I think the strategy, is to use micro strategy as a cash yield generation machine, periodically selling micro strategy stock when it is up to purchase more bitcoin, is still the best strategy.

The Ethics

So something which is super interesting and important to me is ethics. And honestly it is something that is so elusive because there is no codified hard set rules of ethics which applied to everybody, for eternity.

Also, I think is super interesting because I actually tired in ethics with certain moralistic imperative; I sent you when it comes down to it… Your personal ethics your ethos of things dictates almost everything.

I’m almost starting to think instead… Rather than thinking about goals, veteran instead to think about ethics and ethos and your imperatives and philosophies behind things.

The ethics of Bitcoin & money

Is bitcoin actually the most virtuous money?

So what is super interesting to me is that from a philosophical perspective, if you invoke the Austrian economics, like Karl Menger and the like .,, Property, what is property?

Property is something that you own, that belongs to you, which legally that nobody could seize against your own will.

So for example, I can own a watch, a camera, a car whatever… Legally nobody could just come up to me and steal it from me without any sort of negative repercussion.


Cindy’s mom and my brother-in-law Gabe both said it; when your own property, like real estate or whatever… Assuming there is a tax rate which is above 0%, that means that you don’t really “own “the property… You just borrowing it or renting it from the government.

Because this issue is with taxes, in theory, that is money that you’ll never see touch or witness, and it is essentially like you’re bleeding capital.

So for example, I was shocked, doing the math on even a $1.6 million home, I had a very low interest rate, you’re still bleeding around $1800 a month … close to $2000 a month, essentially money that is just going into thin air and vapor?

Even if you’re a savvy investor like myself, my personal thought is I would prefer to take that $2000 a month and just buy bitcoin instead, which is gonna go to $13 million or $22 million a bitcoin. 


OK so currently… This is my thought:

Single family home or nothing.

I think the fragile position to be in is only a condo because the price of him might slightly go up, but… It might not even be able to keep in pace or up to pace with inflation. What that means is let us say you buy a condo for $1 million, and you sell it a deck for $1.2 million, you might’ve thought that you realized a $200,000 gain but you did not, because of inflation, you might’ve actually lost money?

Another thing… Even owning a single-family home, property whatever, once again if you factor in property taxes and stuff, you’re not really making money.

So I heard that is to own a single-family home is kind of more of like a trophy acid like bragging rights for owning a Ferrari or Lamborghini whatever.

I suppose the nuance in difference is you could actually live in the thing, the single-family home. And you could brag to all your millennial friends that you own a single-family home.

I think where the calculus gets a little bit confusing is assuming that you’re married you have a wife and kids or more kids on the way etc. So then the home becomes a symbolic thing. But for me still… My hard school of thought is that a home is not an investment, it is just somewhere where you live.

And essentially, once again, just do the math, assuming that bitcoin is currently around $65,000 of bitcoin and is going up to 13 million, there is at least a 200X potential gain in front of you.

So let us say that your down payment is $300,000 or whatever, that is $60M. So the question is… Are you willing to sacrifice $60 million for the potential upside of buying a certain house you like? For you and your family?


I think your life, the wise thing to think about, is that decisions, nothing is ever forever, nor should anything before ever, and even from a Zen and Taoist principal, nothing ever remains the same even if you want it to.

Also, your ethics change. Your ethical framework as a two-year-old versus 12-year-old versus high schooler versus college student versus 36 year old man with a kid is going to be different. Your ethics and morality as a degenerate single person is going to be different than your ethics and your morality once you have a kid. Or several.

Or your ethics before getting married and after getting married.

Where philosophers fail

It really really big problem is a lot of these philosophers try to create some sort of ultimate at the cold framework which can never be changed or modified. They strive in vain for 30 years, seeking some sort of ultimate truth of everything, which could last 1000 years or whatever. If you think about it then, this is what religion is. The religion of Mohammad, Saint Paul, the religion of Judea – these religions have lasted for thousands of years. So I guess the founders did a good job.

Endowments for private schools like Harvard or Yale; their endowments last forever. So it looks like they’re doing something right.

The ethics of smoking

So for this conversation I’m just going to talk about secondhand smoke.

So some critical issues here; the ethics.

First, I think smoking cigarettes in a public space which is not your house, in which your secondhand could fuck up the lungs of other people, especially for people like myself with sensitive lungs, is unethical.

First, legally it might be allowed, but ethically, it is not.

The first rule is first do no harm onto others. If you are on a sidewalk, and you have a certain walking path every single morning, and there’s always somebody smoking on that path, and they don’t know it, but there’s secondhand smoke goes down half a block, And it attacks your lungs, they are doing harm on you, whether you know it or not.

So it is unethical.

Ident suppose, what can and what should you do about it?

For example I met a dude named Scott, who is always smoking this one spot in Culver City, wearing his red vest, he claims he works there but he looks homeless and dirty? Not sure I talked with him, and he seemed kind of normal, but slightly a little weird? Anyways, I asked him nicely to not smoke there on the main street because it gets into my lungs whatever, but then he told me to not walk on the sidewalk. Or to walk on the other side?

Or he told me to keep walking?

First, I think the major issue here is repeated exposure. Maybe if I was in Venice Beach or whatever, in which I’ll never see the person again this is different, but because I see him almost every single day or every other day, this is very annoying and upsetting to me.

So obviously the first idea is to have a conversation with him. He had the audacity to tell me “If you don’t like it keep walking”. 

So some several issues here.

First, once again, no I will not keep walking. Because the issue is the regularity and the continued exposure. Once again if you’re in Santa Monica, and you see a homeless guy smoking a cigarette, or looking like he is cracked out, often in that situation the best strategy is don’t engage with crazy drugged out homeless people.

However, if the person looks like an irrational human being, mentally there, then isn’t having an intelligent conversation with somebody worth it?

Second I guess the big thing is I always saw it and I pointed out to him, that there’s literally a sign there that says no smoking. Like the big cigarette icon with the big red circle and the strike through it. I pointed out to him and he said that “oh, I never saw that.”

I also suppose there’s a difference, if the person is homeless or a squatter versus they actually work there?


Then at this point, let’s assume that is private property, but the property owner put a do not smoke sign out. Then according to the rules of the private property, you can and should enforce it. Is that what you do is you talk to Security, or you called the property manager etc. And you report them.

But let us say that it is a more of a grey zone; like they are smoking a cigarette kind of close to a restaurant which is actually illegal in Los Angeles and most of California I believe. In this case, what do you do, call the cops on the person?

Or… Let us say that you approach somebody and you try to talk to them rationally, and then they threaten you with some sort of physical violence, or they do physically assault you? Then I suppose what you could do is bust out your iPhone camera, Start recording them, and then you could get them arrested?

I suppose the only thing you don’t want to get done to you is to get stabbed or shot with a gun, you don’t want to die.

I mean I suppose for myself, I could take a hit or an injury, I just don’t want to die.

So maybe, just be careful if you think they might have a gun?

Not being a pushover

So I think the problem with most people nowadays, especially people my age the millennial generation I was born in 1988, we are a very non-confrontational generation. And honestly most people are.

The first thing is don’t let nobody push you around, don’t be a pushover. If there’s something you don’t like you had to speak up, and it is a good idea to make a fuss out of it even bit may seem trivial.

So for me, the only thing I really hit on the planet is cigarette smoke, secondhand smoke. Especially having a father who was a heavy smoker, I hate the smell of secondhand cigarette more than the devil.

And also, a big issue here is that I have a kid now, and me and Seneca often walk down that street and we smelled the secondhand smoke. So once again, you’re not just standing up for yourself but for your kid.

I think the tricky thing with ethics is we should not invoke children because if you’re talking about kids you’re just kind of blaming them. Or you’re putting them in the crossfire. You should never make your kid apologize for nothing, it is your role as the guardian, The father to essentially have a spine and not be a pussy.

What is a hero?

I Also suppose the issue at hand is  things that upset you, versus things that could actually damage your harm others, whether it be your family, your kid, your kids etc.?

I think the first practical thought is not to be a social justice warrior for all of society, this is too fake. First just protect your wife and your kid, the most difficult thing.

Then after that your clan, your best friends, your squad.

Treat others you would like to be treated?

The golden rule, treating other people that way you would like to be treated, not perfect but still kind of a good rule. 

Digital Capital

Brave New World of digital capital,

So it looks like microstrategy, MSTR stock is gonna hit $300 this year soon; earnings report incoming October 30th.

And some big news, the financial accounting standards board, they updated their accounting standards to include bitcoin and crypto,  which is an insanely big deal because starting January 2025, essentially companies corporations like Apple can start to add bitcoin to their balance sheet, being able to accurately mark their assets and capital in bitcoin, openly transparently, fair accounting.

Anyways, the reason why this is such a big deal is that for a long time, especially thinking about bitcoin pizza day, in which a guy bought two medium sized Domino’s pizzas with about 100,000 bitcoins, maybe worth about $200 million today, back when it was worth nothing, round 2009, my junior year of college.

Anyways, back in the day actually whether it was our sophomore or junior year, I still will never forget how my roommate Kevin told me that we should’ve bought some bitcoins, like 100 or so, Windows trading for pennies. At first I dismissed him saying that it would be a scam;

In the past I regretted this, but now… No, I am even more convinced. 100% of my assets into bitcoin, the first and true digital capital, this is like the early days of the Internet!

And also, for Roth IRA, IRA and retirement, the traditional market, literally micro strategies only safe to invest in; my critical thinking and understanding is there is too many risk factors for all these other corporations, even Apple, which seems like the safest bet, it might be the other and only “safe” Investment out there which will last 30 years, but my bearish view is that within 30 years, Apple might be bleeding and dying a slow slow death.

In fact, my unorthodox view is that actually, not investing in bitcoin is the risky idea?

Excitement optimism and joy! 

A random thought this morning was actually, maybe investing in apple is actually the unethical thing to do; think about all the mainland Chinese workers that fox con exploits, and as long as mainland China is doing acts of genocide all around the planet, and Apple is OK with that… Because Fox con should also be understood as essentially just another puppet or arm of the mainland Chinese corporation government, then, in theory to invest in Apple is to low-key accept all the human rights violations that mainland China does around the globe.

Everyone loves to talk about how climate change is so bad, racism is so bad, eating animals is bad blah blah blah, but yet nobody talks about how mainland China, is committing genocide all around the planet? And everybody knows it; and yet everyone still feels OK buying new iPhones?

Once again, if you are some sort of plant-based, anti-meat eating, pro environment person, yet you have an Instagram a Snapchat a Facebook a YouTube a TikTok whatever… No, this is not ethical.

why bitcoin is ethical.

To anybody who says that bitcoin is bad for the environment or the planet blah blah blah, essentially they were suckered by Sam Bankman-Fried and these evil corners, who sent she made air tokens which means fake value out of fakeness.

So, question… Do you think that air conditioning is bad for the planet? How about iPhones? How about the Internet? How about your hybrid Prius, your Tesla car, public transportation?

How about heaters?

How about washers and dryers?

So washers and dryers and air conditioning currently wastes about 20% of the world’s electricity – do you think the trade-off is worth it? If you have ever lived in Southeast Asia, Texas and the like, obviously!

What is commonly misunderstood about bitcoin is that it actually might be the most ethical energy use; actually, the economics of bitcoin mining is that it actually makes more sense to invest in energy efficient bitcoin mining rigs, near stranded energy sources like ideally building it at the edges of the grid, next to hydroelectric power plants etc.

What is actually very very interesting is that once you create a bitcoin, it lasts forever! The maintenance cost of bitcoin is practically 0%; whereas even gold, the world second best asset, bleeds at around 2% a year; which means that in about 60 years your value goes down by half.

Economic immortality?

So everyone is trying to become immortal in Silicon Valley or whatever… But instead, maybe what if economic immortality were more interesting?

This means, building up a war chest for your kids kids kids. So when your kids kids kids have kids they will be able to do great things on the planet!

No no no, the world is not going to melt. Ignore Al Gore and all these fake fear porn people; who essentially profit off of your fear! This includes Google, who makes more ad revenue The more people click on climate change articles.

Bitcoin is hope, bitcoin is a promise for a more glorious future!

Why do I care? 

For me, considering the fact that I grew up poor, essentially I think of bitcoin like unethical imperative. The idea of saving up money for the future, building up capital for the future, and also my belief in open source; to me… Bitcoin might be the most ethical thing on the planet? That is censorship resistant, open source, and also… A political, which means that America doesn’t need to keep committing war atrocities in order to support the value of the US dollar.

What is interesting is that all of these weird conspiracy theory people in America, the ones that tell you that the Rothschild in these Jewish bank organizations run the planet blah blah blah, that Israel is evil blah blah blah, actually the real bad guy is America, The US government, the American military, which essentially bankrolls Israel.

I think the best way to think about Israel is that essentially it is just like another military outpost for America, to maintain control over the region, kind of like South Korea, to have a strategic position against North Korea mainland China etc.

Koreans, South Korean don’t want to accept or think is that essentially South Korea is a neocolony of America, a new colony of America. As long as American military support South Korea and maintaining the 38th parallel, South Korea is essentially forever indebted to America.

Also let us not forget that Israel, was essentially established, with the guiding hand of America. Without America, Israel as a state would not exist.

So rather than pointing the finger at Israel, which actually does seem that the Prime Minister of Israel has done really terrible things, especially to the Palestinians, Hamas also seems like the bad guys, the innocent people are the civilians women and children. But really really really, the real bad guy is America, and the sad truth is without American military dominance on the planet, the US dollar supremacy would not exist.

Even if you are a liberal Democrat, anti-war; assuming that you have US dollars in your bank account, you have a JP Morgan Chase or Fidelity or Citibank, or Bank of America… assuming that your salary is being paid in US dollars, and let us remember that almost all the currencies on the planet, even the Chinese yuan are essentially pegged to the US dollar,  without the Fed printing more money to pay military contractors for the US defense government, the US dollar would not have any value.

So what is the solution? Super simple buy bitcoin. In theory, buying bitcoin not the US dollar, could help solve violence that destruction and genocide on the planet, and solve at least 50% of the world issues; considering that about 50% of the world’s issues are about money. If you’re from a broken family, or if there has ever been any debt or bankruptcy or credit card debt, or gambling in your family, lot of it is actually embedded in financial issues.

Think first principles

Actually, the best way to think about bitcoin is not to listen to your favorite YouTuber or podcaster, but to think first principles, and going back to the source.

For myself, the most interesting book on economics I have ever read is DELLA MONETA bye the Italian Fernand Galliani, who surprisingly wrote the whole treaty when he was only 21 years old, masquerading as a six-year-old man. Essentially I discovered Galliani via Frederich Nietzsche,  who quotes Galliani all the time; like some of my favorite quotes include from Galliani “better to be a gay monster than a sentimental bore”, or the idea that Eagles fly solo.

Anyways, Galliani talks about money and why it has value; and talk specifically about gold and silver and how in America at the time… The Quakers would actually trade paper money which was considered insane at the time.

To summarize, Galliani said that gold was the most valuable asset and money because it was both beautiful, used for decorations and jewelry, like making your child beautiful by giving them cold jewelry, and also… The fact that it was resistant and robust against the elements, it lasted a long time, and was also rare on the planet difficult to find. And also, how the color in itself is the most beautiful as it shines like the sun. Have a theory the reason why he was like is that in fact, we love this golden yellow color because it simulates the sun and the light, Let us not forget that most of the ancient world they praise the sun God.

But then again Galli mentions wisely how inflation happens and how money is valued, like when the Spanish conquistadors discovered gold in the New World, and brought it back to Europe, the value of gold plummeted because it became less rare. And also in history, there were many places on the planet in which silver was actually more rare than gold, and therefore in some parts of the world silver was actually more prized!

Essentially the moral the story is that money is a man-made concept; and even the notion of capital comes from the notion cap, head, Kaputt, caput– like literally the head of oxen. Even in the Iliad, a hectic comb is the sacrifice of 100 oxen, to appease Zeus and the gods. Even in today’s world, in which an adult oxen could cost you $1000, can you imagine sacrificing 100 oxen to appease the gods?  it’s like almost burning $100,000, to get the gods to not get angry at you; very expensive. Like a single cyber truck!

What’s the point of capital?

There are some simple things, like paying rent and groceries. But beyond this, what is the point of money and capital?

At this point, I’m starting to think of capital and accumulation like the most interesting fun game! 1, trillion times more interesting that any video game out there because it actually has to deal with reality; the problem with all the video games is none of them are actually based in physics or the real world; even professional sports which is essentially a prostitution of the body, is beridden with steroids and drugs and all this bad stuff. The only useful professional sports seems to be the UFC or mixed martial arts, as it might benefit you in a street fight, everything else seems quite useless.

Also a lot of guys were interested, a lot of fools make that analogy that thinking that some sort of chess grandmaster would be a great military strategist, but this is not the case. Because to sacrifice upon is very different than sacrificing the life of a human being. And also… The real world is 1 trillion times more messy than chess, Which has strict rules.

And also in theory… Any skinny fat loser could be really really good at chess, like number one on the planet. But how would he do in a street fight, or player versus player combat? Let us not forget our manly virtues; ultimately… It don’t matter how rich you are or how smart or successful you are, if you do not have physical valor and strength, you got nothing. 

Good role models

I think having a good role model is critical. Like a Steve Jobs, except he is dead now. In fact, Apple today is kind of a former shell of Steve Jobs original vision; now that Jony Ive has left Apple, Apple is like the new Microsoft. There is no more sex in Apple.

Even Elon Musk has a joke that failed Tesla or SpaceX engineers go to Apple; much more difficult to design a self driving car or a spaceship or a rocketship rather than the next mediocre iPhone.

Michael Saylor, also talks about risks of most securities, like a simple one; how do you know that the iPhone 55 pro will be any good or not? And how do you know if one day… Mainly China closes the doors to international traded manufacturing, if Apple no longer can create iPhones in mainland China with Foxconn, then what? Certainly Apple cannot maintain her monopoly profits if she produced iPhones in Nebraska or in the Midwest, maybe Vietnam but even Vietnam is kind of in bed with mainland China, so if overnight, Vietnam closes her borders to America, Apple would be in big trouble.

I wonder if mainland China’s long-term vision is to continue to steal and help her trade secrets with Apple and American corporations like Microsoft and Bill Gates, and then eventually just close her borders to America, and hoping that Huawei could take over the planet? Currently the fact that TikTok is dominating America, maybe her plan is working?

Back to us

So taking things back to us;

First, it seems the interesting idea here is that maybe we should not worry too much about macro economics, like solving global poverty issues here etc., but just starting with ourselves and our own family. 

The first one I think is that the simplest way to become rich is to just not get poor, which means don’t buy the new iPhone Pro, don’t buy a new car or Tesla, don’t buy a single-family home even if you could afford it, better to rent indefinitely and put your money into bitcoin, which will go out forever without any maintenance costs, whereas I think if you think about investing in a single-family home… It seems like a good investment idea, but because of the mortgage interest rates, assuming that your mortgage is above 0%, you’re essentially bleeding yourself dry, I almost wonder how much of modern day economics is about buying a single family at home and a mortgage, because the banks want to just profit off of this idea?

Once again even if you had a very very low interest rate, even if you’re paying about 2%, sooner or later, the interest itself will kill you. And right now the interest rate is around 7 to 8%; too expensive!

And also once again, even if the asset of your home goes up in value, after the cost of maintenance, fixing your roof and water heater and 1 trillion other things which could break, but that means your acid value goes down infinitely because you bleed yourself dry doing maintenance and renovations etc.

And also, I think a big thing is once you buy a single-family home or even a condo… Every time you come home, you’ll think to yourself, all of the upgrades and maintenance that you have not yet done, that you need to do. Even for me right now, I’ve been putting off changing the oil in my 2010 Prius for over a month, barely finding time to even do that! Whether I do it myself or go to a dude, I don’t think homeownership is right for me, or most millennials because we have no skills for home maintenance?

The best lifestyle is a zero maintenance lifestyle

You don’t want a high maintenance girlfriend wife spouse partner, dog, or negative yielding asset like a Ferrari Lamborghini Porsche etc.

The more maintenance, the worse your life, the more headaches the more stress, the more misery.

I think the sucker of capitalism is that we think that if we purchase these high-yielding stuff, we think we will be happy. But no. If you are happy paying for $1,000 oil changes in your Lamborghini or Ferrari or Porsche 911 GT 3 RS, yes! And I think what I discovered is it doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are; nobody likes to pay for these things.

I think the peel of having a Tesla is you never have to get another oil change again. But then again the issue here is that the battery is not designed to last forever, let alone 30 years.

At least your Toyota Prius might last you 30 years, I don’t think any Tesla or electric car will.

Go long

On a long enough time span, thinking 30 years, things become simple. You don’t need to overthink things too much.

How to make free money

Currently the infinite money hack and trick I discovered is this:

Purchase microstrategy stock with your traditional account, ride it up, and when the value is high, sell the pure profit, and then use that money to purchase bitcoin! And essentially ride it up forever.

Ideally purchase the bitcoin when microstrategy stock is high, and buy bitcoin when it is a bit low.  but either way, the ultimate goal is to acquire as many bitcoins as humanly possible, he or she with the most bitcoin shall win.

Even Michael Saylor revealed in an interview with Maddy Reid, the reporter from New Zealand, that his and micro strategies goal was to acquire the mythical Nakamoto, which is 1 million bitcoins,  the same number of bitcoins in the wallet of Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of bitcoin. Also what is a big deal is that since Satoshi was born, he has never touched his bitcoins, or moved them. And also what is interesting is that Satoshi disappeared, the immaculate conception of bitcoin.

Also another reason I believe in it is that there was only first one bitcoin version, no version two. This is the reason why I ended up ditching chain-link when they released the second white paper, and also Ethereum is bad because of all the hard forks, And different versions.

Day trader? 

I don’t know if this is just a trend, or somehow… When people ask me what I do for a living, I’ve actually been getting “day trader” a lot.

I suppose in some ways I kind of am because I’m watching bitcoin and micro strategy like a hawk, and I consume every single Michael sailor interview that comes out. I think I have literally watched every single interview he has ever done, from four years ago up until now. And he has been consistent and wise and insightful the whole time; and also what is very meaningful is that the last four years, he has never once advertised his own company, I didn’t even know what MicroStrategy was up until maybe six months ago? 

The 30 Year Body

Think 30 Years Ahead

The 30 Year Body

My interesting funny idea:

Think 30 years ahead


So, how is this manifested?

First, I think at least 30 years ahead; for example, Seneca is currently 3 1/2 years old, my mom is 70, I am 36; so 130 years, Seneca will be 33, I will be 66, my mom will be 100. Hopefully 30 years Seneca will have his own kid. 

The reason I like 30 years that it cuts through a lot of nonsense, and the truth is… If you want to build anything really great, it takes a long time. You cannot build Rome overnight.

Even Jeff Bezos his insanely genius concept; he’s been building up Amazon since the 90s, he had at least a 30 year plus vision.

Why 30 years?

So in terms of working out weight lifting etc.; Michael is to have a six pack even at the age of 66!

Then what that means is you could take your time. You can miss the work out here and there, enjoy a few off days and bad days because in the midst of a 30 year horizon, you can lift more strategically, more intelligently.

Also, a lot of these folks who take steroids and whatever… They are seeking success right now, or maybe in the 5 to 10 year span. But once you’re Ronnie Coleman, and essentially a cripple, none of it is worth it.

Even a good thing about Arnold, he was able to get out of the game had a good time, so he did not become a cripple. I have a theory about Arnold Schwarzenegger, he probably knew that steroids and bodybuilding was not sustainable, so he got out of the game at his peak, knowing that taking steroids long-term was probably not a good idea.

People talk about the good old golden days of bodybuilding… But everyone was on steroids! Even then.

The reason why this matters is because I even hear stories of young guys, in their 20s, we have taken so many steroids that they are no longer able to beget children? The ultimate tragedy. It is almost like involuntary sterilization; even Nietzsche said that in the future, the most cruel thing one could do is force a certain population not to procreate. 

Thou shalt not procreate! – The ultimate evil edict.


Everyone wants to make the quick gains, buy the loser Lamborghini whatever. Yet the real intelligence strategy is to think about building an empire for your kids kids kids. 

“Generational wealth that’s the key, I started with shit so that shift started with me” — JAY Z

This is where I think it is critical for any serious thinker philosopher entrepreneur innovator to have kids. Having kids, a wife, being married actually makes you a better investor because you no longer think for yourself, do you think for your family unit, the family business.

Even Aristotle when he talks about economics (oecanomia)– essentially economics literally means management of household affairs; how you manage your slaves, your home finances labor accounting etc. Also funny thing back in the day… the slaves were the accountants. 

Ultimately I’m a realist and a pragmatic person. I’m not interested in any sort of abstruse Macro economic theories; I’m interested in the now, the practical the day. Simple questions like how do I make money how do I retain how do I grow my capital, what is money etc.

I also suppose what makes my approach unique is that I did not study economics in school, I studied sociology and later on self teaching myself philosophy, and currently self teaching myself economics through the Austrian economists like Karl Menger, and also practical economic thoughts from NASSIM TALEB (Antifragile), in my own personal crypto and bitcoin ideas, and also economic theories from Michael Saylor, the patron saint of bitcoin.

Creating a legacy

A legacy just means to build to me that will outlast you.

An ancient Greek, kleos (forever glory, forever fame). The general idea is through a road act or deed, your name and your fame would last forever, kind of like King Leonidas and his valiant 300; we will remember them forever.

I think the superficial thing that people try to do is they try to force a legacy by buying it; plus through your name on a urinal in the university of Southern California USC, urinal in the business school (true story) or putting your name on some sort of business school building.

To me this is superficial at best; better to earn your name your legacy your KLEOS and immortal fame and glory through your heroic and valiant acts!

For example, we will forever remember Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and the like, we will forget Bill Gates, who only cares for money, and his physique that kills boners (Elon Musk tweet). I think also… For better or worse Donald Trump will be remembered, as well as Elon Musk, Jay-Z etc.

Also Michael Saylor. 

Can you force a legacy? 

No. Just like trying to force kid to eat vegetables.

I think maybe thinking about the 30 year body is an interesting idea because you essentially ideally want your physique your health in 30 years to be supreme! A thought and a theory; 

Is it possible to have a superior physique at the age of 66, compared to the age of 36?

 Certainly I’m going to have more wrinkles in my face and whatever at the age of 66, but I actually wonder… Is it possible that I could train today and eat enough meat today, and get my testosterone up that in 30 years, I will actually be higher than now?

I mean even at the age of 36, I’m 1 trillion times stronger and more handsome and I have a superior body and testosterone than I did when I was 26, and also compared to when I was 16. 

20 years, I am superior at the age of 36 then I was at the age of 16… In terms of my muscles my body everything.

Certainly at the age of 120, I’m probably not gonna be as good as I am today, but with enough foresight, I could start strategizing today!

30 years or nothing!


Why I Love Michael Saylor

I think I might have listened to every single Michael Saylor interview he has ever done, and also his great what is money series with Robert Breedlove.

Essentially, I really do think that Michael Saylor has real soul in the game; it was actually very very interesting in the recent Markets with Madison Part 2, see Part 1, … in the second part of the interview at the very end when talking about legacy and stuff, she revealed the fact that he’s a single guy, presumably not married, no kids etc.… And his whole legacy is kind of centered around the idea of trying to help solve and or fix the economic issue at hand — toxic, dirty money and capital.

Why I trust Michael Saylor

What is super fascinating is literally the last four years, when you listen to all the Michael Saylor interviews, he never once mentioned his own company, micro strategy. I only obliquely discovered what it was, because sooner or later all these commentators ask him about it.

Even for myself, when I first went to their company website, and the word microstrategy,— it definitely sounds like a very antiquated term, like the 90s, Bill Gates, windows 95 era. But anyways, I think that Michael sailor is probably 90% technology and history of science philosopher, and real life entrepreneur businessman, who is insanely intelligent, and kind of destroys anyone else he combats, for example just watch the debate about gold with Frank Giustra, it was the most hilarious and beautiful roast of all time!


I think for millennials like myself, in which the world seems a bit implausible; for example, trying to afford a $3.2 million home in Culver City? Even a modest $1.5 million home here, the mortgage on it is almost close to $9000 USD a month? This is insane.

Also, interest rates and the such. And inflation is getting out of control. My insane shock of seeing minimum wage for our fast food workers go from $16 an hour to $20 an hour, literally overnight! And seeing the sad demise of my favorite Shake shack with Seneca in Culver City, I think the whole idea of raising minimum wage was seen as a good idea, to help poor people, but ultimately it became an insanely terrible idea because as a consequence, the whole restaurant just shut down! And I am sure that the reason why I shut down is because shake shack is a publicly traded corporation, and when you increase the minimum wage for workers, you essentially deprive them of jobs because the corporation can no longer be profitable, and as a consequence either lays off staff, reduces hours, or close down certain branches which are not as profitable.

anyways, assuming that bitcoin is gonna go to $30 million a bitcoin, we’re in my extremely bush case, $56 million bitcoin, it is real hope for the future! He started to think more intelligently about the future, because you are leopard long; real incentive to try to invest You don’t want to blow $1000 on an iPhone because that iPhone 30 years from now can be worth potentially $500,000 USD? Or who knows $1 million?

For example if I could tell you right now, with 100% certainty, in 30 years, if you invest $1000 into bitcoin, it would become $1 million, wouldn’t you live your life differently?


The philosophy of focus:

So, we are all photographers, thinkers entrepreneurs visionaries etc. To focus, I think at the end of the day, does seem to be a virtue.

First, the ethics of focus, the first big idea is that things which distract us, or rob us of our focus, are third-party distractions, which often have some sort of advertising or marketing or product selling motive.

For example, let us consider all of the ills of modern day life, which is modern media. Essentially anything which is supported by advertising is bad evil and should not be trusted.

For example, anything on YouTube which has advertising or product placements or selling services are bad. Any podcast, Joe Rogan, anybody out there with subscribers, likes, comments, memberships, anyone who has some sort of monetary incentive behind things.

Currently I am promoting bitcoin as a promise that it could solve at least 50% of the world’s problems; that is consider poverty injustice, high cost of living and rent… I actually do believe that these problems could be solved with bitcoin.

For example, even poor spending habits, the issue with inflation is that even if I’m making $20 an hour working at McDonald’s, and the price of everything keeps going up… There is zero too little incentive to save. If my rent cost $3000 a month, and because of inflation in a few years it’ll be worth $4000 a month, incentive is to buy all the capitalistic consumer stuff while I could still afford it, Whether Nike or Jordan sneakers, certain cars, clothes etc.

Also this is where Apple has been intelligent with iPhone; let us say that the iPhone Pro is $1000, or $999. This has been really relatively resistant to inflation; even though minimum wage keeps going up, essentially the price of the iPhone is not changing. Therefore if I am a typical working class poor person, and I’m being paid 16 or $20 an hour, incentive is to go out and purchase the iPhone Pro while I still can; because assuming the inflation keeps going up, in the near future I will no longer be able to afford that new iPhone Pro.

Low prices?

I think for the most part, a lot of the evils and ill society are issues with money, gambling, etc. At least this was the case in my family; my dad just sent you not having a job since I was two years old, gambling away the rent money etc. Assuming that my dad didn’t gamble away the rent money, like he was just a parasite but all he did was smoke cigarettes, watch television and movies, chill out the house… Assuming that were the case, at least he would be kind of a neutral party; but him having to threaten my mom with physical or mental or family violence, holding her at hostage or ransom, Forcing her to give him the rent money with physical force, saying that he was going to pay it himself, and then in the middle of the night driving off to Reno and gambling it away, which means my mom is already three months behind on rent… Certainly this is an evil that happened because of gambling and of course his own problems.

the bad guy?

Ultimately, one cannot point the finger at institution which is the casinos or whatever. Even now as a sober adult, haven’t gone to Vegas a few times, I find it to be very fun! I love going to wicked spoon, and having to all you can eat bone marrow, and all the great foods. But, I don’t have a gambling bone in my body; nor do I have a bone for smoking; essentially seeing all the bad stuff that my dad did, turned me off forever. This is where I have kind of a moralistic and ethical imperative against cigarettes, there’s nothing I hit more than cigarette smoke on the planet; The ultimate evil.

What does focus mean?

So focus, focusing… Assume you have a magnifying glass you could take the raise the sun, pinpointed to one point, and you could burn a hole through paper. Assuming you have a big enough magnifying glass, I wonder if you could even take the sun’s power and even make a hole through steel! Just think about all these James Bond’s movies.

Anyways, I think maybe the focus in society in life should be similar; I am kind of OK fine mediocre and a lot of stuff, but assuming that life is finite, a hard cap of at least 122 years, then what that means is if I know with 100% precision that I will die before 122 years, Then the ethical imperative;

How should I and how must I spend my life in a meaningful way?

Assuming that practically almost all 8 billion of us on the planet have a phone, then what that means is everyone is a photographer because they make photos. Even my new friend Alexey show me an interesting street photo he shot in the hood, somebody who overdosed on fentanyl, ar a bus stop. Somewhere in South Central.

And this is kind of a big deal because assuming that most of us live in cities, or assuming we all live in Los Angeles, anybody with an iPhone is a photographer, a street photographer.

In fact, everything in the haptic shop is open source, free to download share remix four to your buddies or store on unlimited devices. For me this became an ethical imperative; because honestly, 99% of the roadblocks we face in photography has to do with some sort of penis envy for some sort of camera equipment; do you think the day that you could afford to buy the Leica, finally you will have a motivation to shoot or make great photos blah blah blah. Same goes with the iPhone Pro, which is actually, not that great.

Also, objectively … Leica, Leica camera, is an inferior product and tool.  it is true that the craftsmanship is superior, but the overall product is inferior when you compare it to a Panasonic Lumix, or even a Fujifilm camera.

I think what Germany has going for it is good marketing and brand. But everyone knows that any German car whether it be a BMW, Mercedes, Rolls-Royce, which is owned by BMW… maybach which is essentially a Mercedes with a body kit, is probably 1000 X inferior to any Japanese luxury car like Lexus or Toyota. In fact, a Lamborghini is just a Volkswagen Passat on steroids. A Lamborghini Urus SUV is just a Volkswagen touring on steroids. And a Porsche 911, 911 GT three RS is just like a Volkswagen beetle on steroids and a body kit.

I’m currently using the full frame lumix S9 camera, been shooting some video on it… But actually a critical issue right now I’ve been discovering is the reason why micro 4/3, even maybe APSC sensors; or a smaller crop sensors might be superior is because you could focus far closer! Full frame cameras are very very difficult to focus especially up close and personal, and also the bigger issue is that the lenses become bigger heavier, more obtrusive, bulkier, harder to use.

In fact, if you are a filmmaker, still… Getting some sort of micro 4/3 camera some sort of Panasonic lumix GH camera might be your best bet, because you can get the best lenses, with the best close focusing capabilities, the maximum aperture for the minimum amount of weight. And ultimately this is what matters the most; ultimately if you are a videographer photographer or cameraman, it comes down to weight and ease. In fact I think even most videographers especially aspiring filmmakers, maybe they should just get some sort of GoPro creator set up; just set it and forget it!

Because 99.9% of the hurdle that creators face especially new ones is the technical hurdles, the technological issues. Even here may be an iPhone pro without any external accessories might be good for making films. Especially short ones. Anything that is not going to be a Hollywood blockbuster film. This is why I think Apple is trying to do all this marketing that you could shoot cinema on your iPhone Pro is kind of ridiculous; any real professional  Would use some sort of red dragon camera.

I also feel bad perhaps the biggest issue here is everyone is trying to posture and look “pro”? But why?

My thought is everyone has some sort of insecurity bias, a small man complex. Certainly everyone wants to feel big mighty and strong and successful whatever, but I also find this to be a little bit pointless because success, wealth and power, are not zero some; which means that assuming that capital is infinite, not a closed system, then that means that in theory, Anyone and everyone could become a billionaire, assuming that the global market multiplies by 1 trillion.

And also,  because a lot of money is economic fictions, computer code, which means that any nerd with a computer could click a button and inject $1 trillion into the economy, what that then means is the upside for money is infinite!

Certainly there are things which are scarce, like human time, labor, and bitcoin, but everything else… Has an infinite upside in theory?

Why focus?

I just think that it is an intelligent way to strategize life.

I think the number one issue that a lot of people have, especially young folks that we don’t know what we should devote our lives to. As a consequence we just throw our interest at random in a bunch of Market Basket stuff, hoping that one will stick.

But, to diversify our interest, is perhaps not a good idea. For example, if assuming you had a Mozart in your classroom, would you have your student waste his or her time learning Spanish or stuff that he or she would never really use? No! You would put them in one of those funny musical prodigy classes, have them devote 100% of their energy towards music, to become the next prodigy.

I was also doing some research which is kind of funny that the whole idea of homeschooling was essentially invented because you had a lot of these young athletes students, getting ready for the Olympics, and they did not want to waste their time being stuck in the classroom. So the whole ethos was trying to devote most of the kids time and attention to maximize their sports performance, kind of what mainland China does, she is much more shameless than America. And also maybe be more successful.

I think also that is why you see more record breaking Chinese Olympic weightlifters, because there is no stigma about taking steroids, performance enhancing drugs, and also, they don’t really have a egalitarian schooling system like we do in America.

Anyways, I think to focus means to just value your life, your effort, your soul.

Assuming that we believe in immortal soul, which means that once you die, your soul also dies… Why would you waste your life in anything superficial?

The New Digital Slumlords

Facebook, Amazon, Twitter Instagram Meta, TikTok YouTube etc.?

Essentially any sort of digital hosting platform which is “free“, they are the new digital slumlords? 

Everyone loves to hate and complaining about these slumlords, who rent us a really terrible apartment, at unreasonable prices, never fix anything, and are essentially bad and evil people. Yet nobody ever points the finger at the big tech companies? Why? Because they offer you “free” marketing platforms… I wonder, what are more freedom ways we could market ourselves which do not require us to use these toxic platforms to simply get our message across?

The first most simple one is just your website, your blog. A website and a blog is essentially the same thing at this point. A digital domain, it’s almost like having a digital house or a digital business or a digital property in cyberspace? Like having your own address.

No YouTube?

A big one to disrupt his YouTube. I suppose TikTok and to some extent Instagram and Instagram stories, and now Twitter is doing the same, but still… YouTube is by far the dominant platform. Why? Having YouTube at this point is almost like having access to free flowing water or electricity; we cannot imagine the world without it.

But, I guess now that I’m stupid rich, I don’t technically need to anymore. And also in terms of getting my message across, I suppose I’ve already done it really well?

I think they’ll lure of YouTube in these platforms is that it will make getting our message across more effective, to maximize our impact?

But I suppose the nuance is; if you have to use toxicity, to maximize our desired outcome, perhaps it is not worth it?

For example, if in fact, using a toxic platform could leverage your impact by 10 X, would it be worth it? Maybe not. Even 1000 X or 10,000 X? Maybe not.

So I wonder… If it is better, more profound to just make an insanely massive impact, on your own small audience, your own sport in 300, rather than try to convert the whole planet, all 8 billion of us to believe what you believe? # The New Digital Slumlords

Facebook, Amazon, Twitter Instagram Meta, TikTok YouTube etc.?

Essentially any sort of digital hosting platform which is “free“, they are the new digital slumlords? 

Everyone loves to hate and complaining about these slumlords, who rent us a really terrible apartment, at unreasonable prices, never fix anything, and are essentially bad and evil people. Yet nobody ever points the finger at the big tech companies? Why? Because they offer you “free” marketing platforms… I wonder, what are more freedom ways we could market ourselves which do not require us to use these toxic platforms to simply get our message across?

The first most simple one is just your website, your blog. A website and a blog is essentially the same thing at this point. A digital domain, it’s almost like having a digital house or a digital business or a digital property in cyberspace? Like having your own address.

No YouTube?

A big one to disrupt his YouTube. I suppose TikTok and to some extent Instagram and Instagram stories, and now Twitter is doing the same, but still… YouTube is by far the dominant platform. Why? Having YouTube at this point is almost like having access to free flowing water or electricity; we cannot imagine the world without it.

But, I guess now that I’m stupid rich, I don’t technically need to anymore. And also in terms of getting my message across, I suppose I’ve already done it really well?

I think they’ll lure of YouTube in these platforms is that it will make getting our message across more effective, to maximize our impact?

But I suppose the nuance is; if you have to use toxicity, to maximize our desired outcome, perhaps it is not worth it?

For example, if in fact, using a toxic platform could leverage your impact by 10 X, would it be worth it? Maybe not. Even 1000 X or 10,000 X? Maybe not.

So I wonder… If it is better, more profound to just make an insanely massive impact, on your own small audience, your own Spartan 300, rather than try to convert the whole planet, all 8 billion of us to believe what you believe?